Wonder Pigeon – Enhanced Breeding and Race Performance
Wonder Pigeon is a newly formulated food supplement designed specifically for racing pigeons. It contains a mixture of monoglycerides and diglycerides of butyric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, propionic acid and lauric acid.
According to an interview published on Pipa, over 50 lofts were tested. Fanciers were instructed to administer Wonder Pigeon differently according to their birds’ specific ailments or situation.
For young bird sickness (Adeno-coli-syndrome), Wonder Pigeon was administered as either a preventative (2ml/litre) or as a curative (4ml/litre).
The results were astounding with 90% of lofts having no issues with young bird sickness when consistently given wonder pigeon as a preventative during the growth period and after weaning. Birds showing existing symptoms of young bird sickness recovered within a week when wonder pigeon was given as a curative (4ml/litre), without the aid of antibiotics.
For other purposes Wonder Pigeon is recommended using the following dosages that have also been thoroughly tested:
- Recovery of the intestinal balance after antibiotic treatment (2 ml/litre)
- Singular very ill birds: individually 0.5 ml oral /bird/day
- Daily during the breeding period (1-2 ml/litre)
- Daily during the moulting period (2 ml/litre)
In different ways during the racing season (2-3 ml/litre)
- The day of arrival and the day after
- A whole week after arrival
- The day of shipment and the day before
- A whole week before shipment
As a condition booster (over a short period – 3ml/litre) used in combination with other products like vitamins, amino-acids, proteins, organic acids, gut micro-flora, and even alongside some specific medication.
"As agreed the whole loft got Wonder Pigeon during 2014 : continuously 3 days a week 2ml/liter. I saw an immediate difference".
– One of the best in ‘International Extreme Long Distance racing’, Hugo Batenburg (Netherlands)
"We started in 2014, the racing and breeding team had it 2 days a week and the youngsters 3 days at the same dosage of 2ml/liter drinking water. I saw rather quickly that the droppings became clearly better and after a while the pigeons had a softer plumage".
"With a very good feeling we decided to increase the use of Wonder Pigeon this racing season (2015)".
"So far they feel wonderful, are very soft and perform very well".
– N° 1 of Friesland and Dutch toplofts in ‘One-day-racing’, Pieter & Aant-Arjen Veenstra (Netherlands)